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供应经销推广怀特white存储器wedc全线产品(white electronic designs corporation简称wedc)。
存储器主要品种包括sram、sdram、flash、eeprom。级别分为商业(0℃ - 70℃),工业(-40℃ - 85℃),军用(-55℃ - 125℃)。特点是高可靠性、高密度性、大位宽、封装形式多,其生产体系通过了iso-9001:2000,mil-prf-38534/38535的。产品主要应用在航空、航天、工业控制、嵌入式系统、通讯、仪器设备等方面。
qml sram
organization part number speed volt package temp
128kx8 5962 89598 xx m8a 20-120 ns 5 32 zip m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mma 20-120 ns 5 32 clcc m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mta 20-120 ns 5 32 flatpack m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mta 20-120 ns 5 32 flatpack m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mua 20-120 ns 5 32 clcc m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mua 20-120 ns 5 32 clcc m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mxa 20-120 ns 5 32 dip m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mxa 20-120 ns 5 32 dip m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mxa 70 ns 5 32 dip m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mya 20-120 ns 5 32 csoj m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mya 70 ns 5 32 csoj m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mya 20-120 ns 5 32 csoj m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mza 15 ns 532 dip m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mza 20-120 ns 5 32 dip m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mza 15 ns 532 dip m
128kx8 5962 89598 xx mza 20-120 ns 5 32 dip m
512kx8 5962 95600 xx m9a 20-45 ns 5 32 flatpack m
512kx8 5962 95600 xx mma 20-45 ns 5 36 csoj m
512kx8 5962 95600 xx mta 20-45 ns 5 36 flatpack m
512kx8 5962 95600 xx mua 20-45 ns 5 32 csoj m
512kx8 5962 95600 xx mxa 20-45 ns 5 32 dip m
512kx8 5962 95600 xx mya 20-45 ns 5 32 thinpack m
512kx8 5962 95613 xx htc 17-120 ns 5 32 csoj m
512kx8 5962 95613 xx huc 17-55 ns 5 36 flatpack m
512kx8 5962 95613 xx hxc 17-55 ns 5 36 flatpack m
512kx8 5962 95613 xx hyc 17-120 ns 5 32 dip m
512kx8 5962 95613 xx hzc 17-55 ns 5 36 csoj m
128kx8 5962 96691 xx hnc 70-55 ns 5 32 flatpack m
128kx8 5962 96691 xx htc 15-55 ns 5 32 csoj m
128kx8 5962 96691 xx huc 15-120 ns 5 32 csoj m
128kx8 5962 96691 xx hxc 15-55 ns 5 36 flatpack m
128kx8 5962 96691 xx hyc 15-55 ns 5 32 dip m
128kx8 5962 96691 xx hzc 15-55 ns 5 36 csoj m
256kx5 xx mxa 20-25 ns 5 44 flatpack m
256kx5 xx mya 20-25 ns 5 44 csoj m
256kx2 xx hmc 20-35 ns 5 44 csoj m
256kx2 xx hnc 20-35 ns 5 44 flatpack m
256kx16 5962 96902 xx htc 20-35 ns 5 44 flatpack m
qml sram mcp
organization part number speed volt package temp
128kx8 5 xx hyc 20-120 ns 5 32 dip m
512kx32 5962 94611 xx hxc 17-120 ns 5 66 hip pga m
512kx32 5962 94611 xx huc 70-120 ns 5 66 hip pga m
256kx8 5962 93157 xx hyc 20-120 ns 5 32 dip m
512kx32 5962 94611 xx htc 17-55 ns 5 66 hip pga m
512kx8 5962 92078 xx htc 20-120 ns 5 32 dip m
128kx32 5962 93187 xx htc 17-120 ns 5 66 hip pga m
512kx32 5962 94611 xx hyc 17-120 ns 5 68 cqfp m
512kx32 5962 94611 xx h9c 17-120 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 93187 xx huc 17-120 ns 5 66 hip pga m
512kx32 5962 94611 xx hmx 17-120 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 92187 xx huc 17-120 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 93187 xx hxc 17-120 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 93187 xx hyc 17-120 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 93187 xx h4c 15-120 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 95595 xx hmc 17-120 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 95595 xx hnc 70-120 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 95595 xx h9c 17-120 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 95595 xx hxc 17-120 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 95595 xx hyc 17-120 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 93187 xx h5c 17-120 ns 5 66 hip pga m
organization part number speed volt package temp
256kx16 wms256k16-xfgx 17-35 ns 5 44 fltpck c,i,m,q
256kx16 wms256k16-xflx 17-35 ns 5 44 fltpck c,i,m,q
256kx16 edi816256ca/lpa-f44 17-35 ns 5 44 fltpck c,i,m,b
256kx16 wms256k16-xdlx 17-35 ns 5 44 csoj c,i,m,q
256kx16 edi816256ca/lpa-n44 17-35 ns 5 44 csoj c,i,m,b
512kx8 wps512k8x-xrjxg 15-25 ns 5 36 psoj i, m
512kx8 wms512k8-xdex 70-120 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m,q
512kx8 edi88512c/lp-n 70-120 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8-xcx 70-120 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,q
512kx8 edi88512c/lp-c 70-120 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8-xfx 15-55 ns 5 36 fltpck c,i,m,q
512kx8 edi88512ca/lpa-f36 17-55 ns 5 36 fltpck c,i,m,b
512kx8 wms512k8-xffx 15-55 ns 5 32 fltpck c,i,m
512kx8 edi88512ca/lpa-b32 17-55 ns 5 32 fltpck c,i,m,b
512kx8 edi88512ca/lpa-f32 17-55 ns 5 32 fltpck c,i,m,b
512kx8 wms512k8-xdjx 15-55 ns 5 36 csoj c,i,m,q
512kx8 edi88512ca/lpa-n36 17-55 ns 5 36 csoj c,i,m,b
512kx8 wms512k8-xdex 15-55 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m,q
512kx8 edi88512ca/lpa-n 17-55 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m,b
512kx8 edi88512ca/lpa-k 17-55 ns 5 36 clcc c,i,m,b
512kx8 wms512k8-xclx 15-55 ns 5 32 clcc c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8-xcx 15-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,q
512kx8 edi88512ca/lpa-c 17-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,b
512kx8 edi88512ca/lpa-t 17-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,b
512kx8 edi88512ca-xmxg 17-25 ns 5 36 psoj c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8v-xdex 70-120 ns 3.3 32 csoj c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8v-xcx 70-120 ns 3.3 32 dip c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8v-xclx 15-20 ns 3.3 32 clcc c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8v-xfx 15-20 ns 3.3 36 fltpck c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8v-xffx 15-20 ns 3.3 32 fltpck c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8v-xdjx 15-20 ns 3.3 36 csoj c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8v-xdex 15-20 ns 3.3 32 csoj c,i,m
512kx8 wms512k8v-xcx 15-20 ns 3.3 32 dip c,i,m
256kx16 wps256k16-xljxg 15-25 ns 5 44 psoj i, m
256kx8 edi88257c/lp-c 70-100 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,b
256kx8 edi88257ca/lpa-c 17-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,b
128kx8 edi88130cs/lps-f 15-55 ns 5 32 fltpck c,i,m,b
128kx8 edi88130cs/lps-n 15-55 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m,b
128kx8 edi88130cs/lps-t 15-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,b
128kx8 edi88130cs/lps-c 15-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,b
128kx8 edi88128cs/lps-l 15-55 ns 5 32 clcc c,i,m,b
128kx8 wms128k8-xclx 15-55 ns 5 32 clcc c,i,m
128kx8 wms128k8-xfx 15-55 ns 5 36 fltpck c,i,m,q
128kx8 wms128k8-xfex 15-55 ns 5 32 fltpck c,i,m
128kx8 edi88128cs/lps-f 15-55 ns 5 32 fltpck c,i,m,b
128kx8 wms128k8-xdrx 15-55 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m,q
128kx8 wms128k8-xdex 15-55 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m,q
128kx8 edi88128cs_lps-n 15-55 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m,b
128kx8 wms128k8-xcx 15-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,q
128kx8 edi88128cs_lps-c 15-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,b
128kx8 edi88128cs_lps-t 15-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,b
128kx8 edi88128cs/lps-z 15-55 ns 5 32 zip c,i,m,b
64k x 16 wps64k16-xljxg 10-20 ns 5 44 psoj i, m
sram mcp
organization part number speed volt package temp
2mx32 w82m32v-xbx 12-20 ns 3.3 255 pbga c,i,m
1mx32 ws1m32v-xg3x 17-25 ns 3.3 84 cqfp c,i,m
1mx32 ws1m32-xh2x 20-25 566 pga c,i,m
1mx32 ws1m32-xg3x 17-25 ns 5 84 cqfp c,i,m
1mx32 ws1m32-xg3x 70-120 ns 5 84 cqfp c,i,m
512kx32 ws512k32-xg2tx 70-120 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
512kx32 ws512k32-xg4tx 15-55 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
512kx32 ws512k32-xg2lx 15-55 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
512kx32 ws512k32-xg2ux 15-55 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
512kx32 ws512k32n-xh1x 15-55 ns 5 66 hip c,i,m,q
512kx32 edi8l32512c-ac 15-20 ns 5 68 plcc c,i
512kx32 wedps512k32-xbx 12-20 ns 5 143 pbga c,i,m
512kx32 wedps512k32v-xbx 12-20 ns 3.3 143 pbga c,i,m
2x512kx16,4x512kx8 edi8l32512v-ac 12-20 ns 3.3 68 plcc c,i
512kx32 edi8l32512v-ac 12-20 ns 3.3 68 plcc c,i
512kx32 ws512k32v-xg2tx 70-120 ns 3.3 68 cqfp c,i,m
512kx32 ws512k32nv-xhx 70-120 ns 3.3 66 hip c,i,m
512kx32 ws512k32v-xg2ux 15-20 ns 3.3 68 cqfp c,i,m
512kx32 ws512k32nv-xh1x 15-20 ns 3.3 66 hip c,i,m
128kx32 ws128k32-xg2ux 70-55 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
128kx32 ws128k32n-xh1x 70-55 ns 5 66 hip c,i,m,q
128kx32 ws128k32-xg2txe 35-55 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m
128kx32 ws128k32-xg4tx 15-55 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
128kx32 ws128k32n-xh1x 15-55 ns 5 66 hip c,i,m,q
128kx32 ws128k32-xg2lx 15-55 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
128kx32 ws128k32-xg2ux 15-55 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
128kx32 ws128k32v-xg2ux 15-35 ns 3.3 68 cqfp c,i,m
128kx32 ws128k32nv-xh1x 15-35 ns 3.3 66 hip c,i,m
128kx32 edi8l32128c-ac 12-20 ns 5 68 plcc c,i
128kx32 edi8l32128v-ac 12-20 ns 3.3 68 plcc c,i
128kx24 edi8l24129v-bc 10-15 ns 3.3 119 pbga c
128kx24 edi8l24128c 12-15 ns 5 119 pbga c,i
512kx16 ws512k16-xflx 17-35 ns 5 44 fltpck c,i,m
512kx16 ws512k16-xdlx 17-35 ns 5 44 csoj c,i,m
2x512kx8 ws1m8-xcx 70-100 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m
2x512kx8 ws1m8-xfx 17-55 ns 5 36 fltpck c,i,m
2x512kx8 ws1m8-xdjx 17-55 ns 5 36 csoj c,i,m
2x512kx8 ws1m8-xcx 17-55 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m
2x512kx8 ws1m8v-xcx 70-100 ns 3.3 32 dip c,i,m
2x512kx8 ws1m8v-xcx 17-55 ns 3.3 32 dip c,i,m
512kx8 ws512k8-xcx 25-45 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,q
organization part number speed volt package temp
128kx8 wmf128k8-xcx5 60-150 ns 5 32 dip c, i, m, q
128kx8 wmf128k8-xclx5 60-150 ns 5 32 clcc c, i, m
128kx8 wmf128k8-xdex5 60-150 ns 5 32 csoj c, i, m, q
128kx8 wmf128k8-xfex5 60-150 ns 5 32 fltpck c, i, m, q
128kx8 wmf128k8-xffx5 60-150 ns 5 32 fltpck c, i, m, q
512kx8 wmf512k8-xcx5 60-150 ns 5 32 dip c, i, m, q
512kx8 wmf512k8-xclx5 60-150 ns 5 32 clcc c,i,m
512kx8 wmf512k8-xdex5 60-150 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m,q
512kx8 wmf512k8-xfex5 70-150 ns 5 32 fltpck c,i,m,q
2mx8 wmf2m8-xdax5 90-150 ns 5 56 csop c,i,m,q
2mx8 wmf2m8-xlx5 90-150 ns 5 44 clcc c,i,m
flash mcp
organization part number speed volt package temp
2mx16 wf2m16-xdax5 90-150 ns 5 56 csop c,i,e,q
128kx32 wf128k32n-xh1x5 50-150 ns 5 66 hip c,i,m,q
128kx32 wf128k32-xg2ux5 50-150 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
128kx32 wf128k32-xg2lx5 50-150 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
512kx32 wf512k32n-xh1x5 60-150 ns 5 66 hip c,i,m,q
512kx32 wf512k32-xg2ux5 60-150 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
512kx32 wf512k32-xg4tx5 60-150 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
1mx32 wf1m32b-xh1x3 100-150 ns 3.3 66 hip c,i,m
1mx32 wf1m32b-xg2ux3 100-150 ns 3.3 68 cqfp c,i,m
1mx32 wedf1m32b-xh1x5 70-120 ns 5 66 hip c,i,m
1mx32 wedf1m32b-xg2ux5 70-120 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m
2mx32 wf2m32-xhx5 90-150 ns 5 66 hip c,i,e
2mx32 wf2m32-xg2ux5 90-150 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m
4mx32 wf4m32-xh2x5 100-150 ns 5 66 hip c,i,m
4mx32 wf4m32-xg2tx5 100-150 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m
4mx32 wf4m32-xg4tx5 100-150 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m
64mx32 w764m32v-xsbx 100-120 ns 3.3 107 pbga c,i,m
2mx64 w72m64vb-xbx 70-120 ns 3.3 159 pbga c,i,m
8mx32 w78m32vp-xbx 110-120 ns 3.3 159 pbga c,i,m
8mx64 w78m64vp-xsbx 110-120 ns 3.3 159 pbga c,i,m
qml flash
organization part number speed volt package temp
128kx8 5962 96690 xx htc 60-150 ns 5 32 flatpack m
128kx8 5962 96690 xx huc 60-150 ns 5 32 flatpack m
128kx8 5962 96690 xx hxc 60-150 ns 5 32 csoj m
128kx8 5962 96690 xx hyc 60-150 ns 5 32 dip m
512kx8 5962 96692 xx huc 70-150 ns 5 32 flatpack m
512kx8 5962 96692 xx htc 70-150 ns 5 32 flatpack m
512kx8 5962 96692 xx hyc 70-150 ns 5 32 csoj m
512kx8 5962 96692 xx hxc 70-150 ns 5 32 dip m
2mx8 5962 97609 xx hxc 90-150 ns 5 56 csop m
qml flash mcp
organization part number speed volt package temp
2mx16 5962 97610 xx hxc 90-150 ns 5 56 csop m
128kx32 5962 94716 xx hmc 60-150 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 94716 xx hnc 60-150 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 94716 xx h9c 60-150 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 94716 xx h4c 60-150 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 94716 xx h8c 60-150 ns 5 66 hip m
512kx32 5962 94612 xx hmc 70-150 ns 5 68 cqfp m
512kx32 5962 94612 xx htc 70-150 ns 5 68 cqfp m
512kx32 5962 94612 xx hzc 70-150 ns 5 68 cqfp m
512kx32 5962 94612 xx h4c 70-150 ns 5 66 hip m
512kx32 5962 94612 xx h9c 70-150 ns 5 68cqfp m
organization part number speed volt package temp
128kx8 5962-96796 xx hxc 140-300 ns 5 32 csoj m
128kx8 5962 97696 xx hyc 140-300 ns 5 32 dip m
128kx8 wme128k8-xcx 140-300 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m,q
128kx8 wme128k8-xdex 140-300 ns 5 32 csoj c,i,m,q
eeprom mcp
organization part number speed volt package temp
128kx8 we128k8-xcx 150-300 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m
256kx8 we256k8-xcx 150-300 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m
512kx8 we512k8-xcx 150-300 ns 5 32 dip c,i,m
512kx16 we512k16-xg4x 150-300 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m
32kx32 we32k32-xh1x 80-150 ns 5 66 hip pga c,i,m,q
32kx32 we32k32-xg2ux 80-150 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
128kx32 we128k32-xh1x 125-300 ns 5 66 hip pga c,i,m,q
128kx32 we128k32-xg2tx 125-300 ns 5 68 cqfp c,i,m,q
256kx8 5962 93155 xx hxc 150-200 ns 5 32 dip m
256kx8 5962 93155 xx hyc 150-200 ns 5 32 dip m
512kx8 5962 93091 xx hxc 150-300 ns 5 32 dip m
512kx8 5962 93091 xx hyc 150-300 ns 5 32 dip m
32kx32 5962 94614 xx hxc 90-150 ns 5 66 hip pga m
32kx32 5962 94614 xx hyc 90-150 ns 5 66 hip pga m
32kx32 5962 94614 xx huc 90-150 ns 5 66 hip pga m
32kx32 5962 94614 xx hmc 90-150 ns 5 68 cqfp m
32kx32 5962 94614 xx hzc 90-150 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx hxc 150-300 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx htc 150-300 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx huc 150-300 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx hyc 150-300 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx hyc 150-300 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx h4c 150-300 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx h5c 150-300 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx h6c 150-300 ns 5 66 hip pga m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx hmc 150-300 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx hnc 150-300 ns 5 68 cqfp m
128kx32 5962 94585 xx h9c 150-300 ns 5 68 cqfp m
industrial grade cf cards
part number density temp
w7ncf128h20is3xg 128 mbyte i
w7ncf256h20is4xg 256 mbyte i
w7ncf512h20is6xg 512 mbyte i
w7ncf01gh20is7xg 1 gbyte i
w7ncf02gh20isaxg 2 gbyte i
w7ncf04gh20isaxg 4 gbyte i
w7ncf08gh20isaxg 8 gbyte i
medical series cf cards
part number density temp
w7ncf128h20is3xm1g 128 mbyte i
qml sram/flash mcp
type organization part number speed
qml sram/flash mcp 128kx16 5962 96900 xx hxc 35-70,70-120 ns
qml sram/flash mcp 128kx16 5962 96900 xx hyc 35-70,70-120 ns
qml sram/flash mcp 128kx16 5962 96900 xx h9c 35-70,70-120 ns
qml sram/flash mcp 512kx16 5962 96901 xx hxc 35-70,70-120 ns
qml sram/flash mcp 512kx16 5962 96901 xx hmc 35-70,70-120 ns
sram/eeprom mcp
type organization part number speed density
sram/eeprom mcp 128kx16 wse128k16-xh1x 35-150,70-300 ns 2mb
sram/eeprom mcp 128kx16 wse128k16-xg2tx 35-150,70-300 ns 2mb
sram/flash mcp
type organization part number speed density
sram/flash mcp 128kx16 wsf128k16-xh1x 35-70,70-120 ns 2mb
sram/flash mcp 128kx16 wsf128k16-xg1tx 35-70,70-120 ns 2mb
sram/flash mcp 128kx16 wsf128k16-xg1ux 35-70,70-120 ns 2mb
sram/flash mcp 128kx16/512x16 wsf2816-39h1x 35,90 ns 2mb/8mb
sram/flash mcp 128kx16/512x16 wsf2816-39g2ux 35,90 ns 2mb/8mb
sram/flash mcp 512kx16 wsf512k16-xh2x 35-90,70-120 ns 8mb
sram/flash mcp 512kx16 wsf512k16-xg2x 35-90,70-120 ns 8mb
sram/flash mcp 128kx32 wsf128k32-xh2x 25-90,25-120 ns 4mb
sram/flash mcp 128kx32/512kx32 wsf41632-22h2x 25,120 ns 4mb/16mb
sram/flash mcp 128kx32/512kx32 wsf41632-22g2tx 25,120 ns 4mb/16mb
sram/flash mcp 512kx32 wsf512k32-xh2x 25-70,25-90 ns 16mb
sram/flash mcp 512kx32 wsf512k32-xg2tx 25-70,25-90 ns 16mb
ssram/sdram mcp
type organization part number speed density
ssram/sdram mcp 256kx32/4mx32 wed9lc6816v-bc 133-200/100-125 mb/s 136mb
68000 processors is designed to provide a hermetic ceramic packaged availability of these multi-use processor products including the 68020, 68040 and 68332.
part number organization speed package temp
wc32p020-xp2m 68020 16,20,25 mb/s 114 cpga m
wc32p020-xq2m 68020 16,20,25 mb/s 132 cqfp m
wc32p040-xq4m 68040 25,33 mb/s 184 cqfp m
wc32p040-xp4m 68040 25,33 mb/s 179 cpga m
wc16p332-16gx 68332 16 mb/s 132 cqfp c, i, m
ddr2 sdram
organization part number speed voltpackage
32mx64 w3h32m64e-xsbx 400-667 mbs 1.8 208 pbga
32mx72 w3h32m72e-xsbx 400-667 mbs 1.8 208 pbga
64mx64 w3h64m64e-xsbx 400-667 mbs 1.8 208 pbga
64mx72 w3h64m72e-xsbx 400-667 mbs 1.8 208 pbga
128mx64 w3h128m64e-xsbx 400-667 mbs 1.8 208 pbga
128mx72 w3h128m72e-xsbx 400-667 mbs 1.8 208 pbga
128mx72 w3h128m72e-xnbx 400-667 mbs 1.8 208 pbga
registered ddr2 sdram
organization part number speed voltpackage
128mx72 w3h128m72er-xsbx 400-667 mbs 1.8 255 pbga
ddr sdram mcp
organization part number speed voltpackage
64mx16 w3e64m16s-xsbx 200-333 mb/s 2.5 60 pbga
64mx16 w3e64m16s-xnbx 200-333 mb/s 2.5 60 pbga, thin
16mx64 w3e16m64s-xbx 200-266 mb/s 2.5 219 pbga
32mx64 w3e32m64sa-xbx 200-333 mb/s 2.5 219 pbga
32mx64 w3e32m64s-xbx 200-333 mb/s 2.5 219 pbga
32mx64 w3e32m64s-xsbx 200-333 mb/s 2.5 208 pbga
16mx72 w3e16m72s-xbx 200-266 mb/s 2.5 219 pbga
32mx72 w3e32m72s-xbx 200-333 mb/s 2.5 219 pbga
32mx72 w3e32m72s-xsbx 200-333 mb/s 2.5 208 pbga
64mx72 w3e64m72s-xsbx 200-333 mb/s 2.5 219 pbga
registered ddr sdram mcp
organization part number speed volt package
16mx72 w3e16m72sr-xbx 200-250 mb/s 2.5 219 pbga
32mx72 w3e32m72sr-xsbx 200-266 mb/s 2.5 208 pbga
daisy chain sdram mcp
organization part number speed voltpackage
wedpdc3225-b 219 pbga
industrial sdram
organization part number speed volt package temp
512kx32x4 wed432s2030a-si 100 mb/s 3.3 86 tsop c,i
1mx16x4 edi416s4030a-si 83-100 mb/s 3.3 54 tsop ii c,i
2mx8x4 wed48s8030e 100-125 mb/s 3.3 54 tsop ii c,i
2mx16x4 wed416s8030a-si 83-100 mb/s 3.3 54 tsop ii c,i
4mx16x4 wed416s16030a 100-133 mb/s 3.3 54 tsop ii c,i
registered sdram mcp
organization part number speed volt package temp
16mx64,2x16mx32,4x16mx16 wedpn16m64vr-xb2x 100-133 mb/s 3.3 219 pbga c,i,m
16mx72 wedpn16m72vr-xb2x 100-133 mb/s 3.3 219 pbga c,i,m
sdram mcp
organization part number speed volt package temp
4mx64,2x4mx32,4x4mx16 wedpn4m64v-xbx 100-133 mhz 3.3 219 bga c,i,m
8mx64,2x8mx32,4x8mx16 wedpn8m64v-xb2x 100-133 mhz 3.3 219 bga c,i,m
16mx64 wedpn16m64v-xb2x 100-133 mhz 3.3 219 pbga c,i,m
32mx64 w332m64v-xbx 100-133 mhz 3.3 219 pbga c,i,m
32mx64 w332m64v-xsbx 100-133 mhz 3.3 208 pbga c,i,m
4mx72 wedpn4m72v-xb2x 100-133 mhz 3.3 219 pbga c,i,m
8mx72 wedpn8m72v-xb2x 100-133 mhz 3.3 219 bga c,i,m
16mx72 wedpn16m72v-xb2x 100-133 mhz 3.3 219 bga c,i,m
32mx72 w332m72v-xbx 100-133 mhz 3.3 219 pbga c,i,m
32mx72 w332m72v-xsbx 100-133 mhz 3.3 208 pbga c,i,m
64mx72 w364m72v-xsbx 100-133 mhz 3.3 219 pbga c,i,m
nbl ssram mcp
organization part number speed volt package temp
512kx72 wedpz512k72s-xbx 100-150 mhz 2.5 152 pbga c,i,m
512kx72 wedpz512k72v-xbx 100-150 mhz 3.3 152 pbga c,i,m
ssram mcp
organization part number speed voltpackage temp
512kx32 wed2dl32512v 133-200 mhz 3.3 119 pbga c, i
256kx72 wedpy256k72v-xbx 100-200 mhz 3.3 159 bga c,i,m
: 传真:
:sales@cenyion.com www.cenyion.com
qq:63857848 msn:honghua_3@hotmail.com